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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kavya Shivashankar vs the Indian Media

Now if you have ever been or are intersted in vocab and English language.. this is the girl you wanna be a fan of.. Kavya Shivashankar .. the 13 yr old Spelling Bee champ .... actually the 17th Indo American to win the championship in the last 11 years.......

And all this is happening while the 21st century media is not only printing mistakes but also telecasting them......

English news channel says.. " Center to send CRPF to West Bengal" .. Center or should it be
Centre .

Afridi to takeover as Pak T20 captain.. Takeover.. or take over... two words in verb form....

Now forgo .. as the dictionary tells me .. means to give up or relinquish.....
Forego.. means to precede.. or to go before something....
look at this one. " Air India executives toldto Forego perks and salaries for July "...... so where are they going before their salaries.... or it just doesnt make sense maybe...

Kavya spelt the word Laodicean to win the championship.. if she had learnt her spellings reading Indian newspapers or watching TV.. she would have even got Centre wrong...

and our bullshit Indian media takes pride in an Indo American winning.. what did you do to make it happen Jerks...

well ofcourse none of these mistakes are as big as Nov 10, 1969 Indian newspaper headline "De Daulle dead ".. which doll died.. Barbie??? was she even there in 1969... orr.. ohhhh they might be trying to refer to the assassination of the French President Charles De Gaulle...

English grammar is tough.. I will always agree to that... spellings are not easy either

Ever wondered what is the difference between the word complain and complaint ?????
